Why is Writing Online so Difficult?

Chris Chan, Digital Marketing Consultant
24 March 2021
Why is writing so dang hard? Why is it so difficult?
Hey, my name’s Chris, and I am a content creator and entrepreneur (or wantrepreneur). I’m on my way to becoming a true entrepreneur, but currently, I’m a college student. Just 20 years old. It can be challenging to write, to find the right things to write, to get the words onto paper.
Sometimes you just need to free your brain and just get everything out there. Like I am right now. For now, I’m using a program called Descript to just record my audio.
It’s hard to really have a stream of consciousness conversation with yourself on a blank piece of paper. It’s hard to wake up every single morning. And think about writing. Who wants to think about writing? I’d rather think about playing games or watching a show. I’d rather think about doing anything other than words onto paper.
But that’s the thing, right? Writing is about communication. Writing is about sharing what you have. It’s about not being selfish and putting what you have out into the world. That’s tough. I write because I aspire to serve. I write because I want to solve a problem. I write because I need to help someone.
But I also write to express myself, and that can be difficult. At times, I don’t know what I’m feeling. At times, I don’t know how I feel about a particular subject, and I’m just trying to listen. I don’t know about you, but I’ve always been one of those people that listens. I’d rather be a fly on the wall, hearing what everyone else has to say.
But life doesn’t always work that way, right? If you want to become something, you have to share your ideas. You have to stand for what you believe in, and you have to take a stance.
Me? I just want to share what I’ve learned. I just want to share. The things that I’ve learned, the subject matters I’ve learned, and how to learn. I also want to share how to do things God’s way. I am a Christian. I am a very new Christian, I would say about three to four years into my journey. But I want to do these things God’s way.
That’s what I’m about. And if you’re not Christian, that’s fine. I’m not trying to push my religion onto anyone. I’m not trying to push my faith onto you I want you to know that there is a right in the wrong way to do about this. And it’s not just about profits. It’s not just about getting more into your wallet. Being successful is about more than finance to me. It’s about creation. It’s about satisfaction with who you are. And that’s why I write.
So far, I’ve started two blogs, and it’s been challenging so far. I only have about 30 blog posts over the past three years. That’s averaging 10 blog posts a year, which is pretty horrible.
So if one day my blogs do make success. Just remember, if I can do it, you could do it. Over the past three years, I’ve spent thousands of dollars trying to write online. I’ve had my education. I’ve had all these courses that I’ve taken and books I’ve read—hundreds of books by now. I’ve just consumed so much and produced so little. And the reason for that is it’s so dang difficult to write.
When I finally do get to the keyboard and start writing. It’s all garbage. It really is. Any good writing I’ve ever put out has been the product of constant editing, constant rereading, constant rewriting, and pulling from different sources. It feels like I have absolutely nothing original.
And then want to go back to my notes of all that content that I’ve consumed. It’s very sparse; even though all I do is write notes, there’s not much there. So it can be really, really difficult. To keep blogging. And to keep writing, especially when no one seems to be listening. But I think that’s the thing, right? No, one’s listening right now. And I’m a 20-year-old kid, what do I know?
But maybe there’ll be listening in the future. Maybe I’ll be listening in the future. Then I’ll be grateful that I wrote something down.
Thanks for reading,
Chris Chan
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