Taking The First Step

Chris Chan, Digital Marketing Consultant
2 January 2021
It’s a rough translation, who knows if it was ever even written by the man himself.
That matter aside, I’ve never really been a “Lao Tzuist” myself. In fact, I don’t think that I know anyone who is.
Regardless, one point stands: if you want to start anything significant, you’ve got to start somewhere.
So here I am, about to enter my 100 days blogging journey.
I’d like to announce this to the public so that you can keep me accountable, not like anyone reads these things, but still.
Starting from today (January 2nd, 2021) I am going to write, quickly edit, and publish a blog post every Monday, Thursday, and Saturday.
In reality, I will be writing every day (except for Sunday, which I’ll explain in a moment). I’ll be saving the best golden nuggets out of every week to publish here!
Let’s dive into a little bit of reflective background, shall we?
Why the heck am I doing this in the first place?

Why am I doing this?
It all starts back in 2016, when I, a silly 15-year-old, decided that I wanted to start my own business one day.
I started watching Dan Lok videos, being that I’m Chinese myself, these videos started to inspire me.
Initially, I was obsessed with the idea of making money online, starting an impactful business and getting out on my own.
I want to make one thing extremely clear: I live a super blessed life.
I have never needed to worry about money in my life and by many people’s standards (including my own) I’ve been spoiled by all of the hard work that my parents have done to get us this far.
Nevertheless, I saw building my own online business as a way to give back to the people.
The way I saw it, Dan Lok was showing me how to build an ethical sales funnel that actually converted.
Little did I know that Dan was scamming vulnerable young people like myself with his insanely priced courses.
The only counter to analysis paralysis is constant, consistent action.
Anyway, back to why I’m writing to you in the first place.
I’ve decided that I want to blog for 100 days and publish 3 times a week because my biggest struggle has been consistency.
The first blog that I started in 2018 had around 15 posts before I gave up. The second one from 2019 had 12 and this one has less than 10.
Seems to me like I’ve been falling off instead of improving throughout the years.
But the reality is that I feel I’ve been getting better at this whole writing and making money online thing. In fact, last month I was able to make over $500 through my blog writing service.
Not too bad for a shoddy undergraduate student with near-zero experience.
My biggest problem thus far has been consistency.
Therefore, this challenge, this New Year Resolution if you will, is built on pushing me to be more consistent in the work that I do put out, whether it’s solid or absolute garbage.
Analysis paralysis attacks even the best of us at times, and for me, it’s the bane of my existence.
The only counter to this analysis paralysis is constant, consistent action.

I’ve decided to post 3 times a week because I don’t necessarily want to bother myself with the whole act of editing, optimizing, and adding images.
My goal right now is not to make things pretty, it’s to continuously produce.
I’m slowly learning that in order to find your voice, you have to use it first.
In order to take that first step of thousands, you need to take a leap of faith.
And so here I am, tying my shoes, getting my dynamic stretches on, focusing on my breathing, and getting ready for this marathon.
Are you ready to embark on this journey with me?
I can’t wait.
Signing off,
Chris Chan
P.S. I won’t be writing on Sundays in order to fulfill my other new year’s resolution of spending time with God as a Christian man of faith 🙂 More on Christian entrepreneurship in the posts to come!
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