8 Ways The Wim Hof Method Boosts Productivity

He’s broken over 20 world records with his groundbreaking methods.
His ways aren’t reserved for gurus in the Himilayas, you can use them too!
Here are 8 simple ways that the Wim Hof Method can help YOU boost your productivity and work efficiency today.
1. Kick-Starts Your Day
The Wim Hof Method is the perfect way to start your day off on the right foot.
It’s a great way to snowball your way into things.
It “Freeze” up your schedule.
We all know how annoying it is to wake up on the wrong side of the bed and have a completely unproductive day.
The best way to avoid that is to have helpful habits and processes to kickstart your day!
Morning routines seem to be all the craze.
But for people like you, the Wim Hof method is a quick way to get you physically, mentally, and emotionally prepared for the challenges of any day.
Nothing’s harder than an ice-cold shower first thing in the morning.
And once you’re done you’ll be motivated to complete all of your other tasks.
It’s only downhill from here!

2. Boosts the Immune System!
You’re going to love the Wim Hof method if you have coughs, colds, and seasonal allergies.
I’m no medical expert but studies have shown that the Wim Hof Method boosts immune system resilience.
Let me tell you, the man has crazy control over his body!
Wim and his students were able to resist the effects of dangerous pathogens without the use of medicine.
As a trailblazer, Wim is no stranger to danger.
He’s run a marathon in a desert and climbed mountains without a shirt.
Many have seen a difference in their health and well being after practicing the Wim Hof Method.
This isn’t the cure to cancer but it’s simple and easy.
Next time you think of hitting snooze get up and try his method. It’ll rewire your brain and create a shift in your routine.
And it will help you build a stronger, healthier body as a side effect.
3. Lower Those Pesky Cortisol Levels
Nothing hurts the grind like a fresh plate of burnout.
Stress is such a productivity killer!
Don’t you hate being mentally stuck during an important project?
Perhaps it’s the afternoon slump that gets you down.
The Wim Hof Method could be critical to reducing that stress and turning your tiredness into productive energy.
Warning: If you’re burnt out you need to get rest and clear your mind. Click here for a free burnout quiz.
Turn on some Netflix and healthily binge a few YouTube videos. Taking relaxing breaks is central to having productive energy.
Another amazing benefit of the Wim Hof method is that it’s a great counter to burnout.
Burnout is a serious problem. According to a study done by Gallup, more than 75% of employees feel that they experience burnout. And 23% of more than 7500 employees felt burnt out regularly.
A great way to avoid burning out is by creating good routines that keep you sharp and refreshed.
You need to be able to rest when you need rest and grind out work when you need to grind out work.
Chronic stress gives rise to tons of problems…
Heart Disease
High Blood Pressure
You really don’t want that in your life.
Take 10-15 minutes and try the Wim Hof Method right now before you forget.
You can also take this guided video demonstration and do it for yourself later.
4. Boost Mental Clarity and Stamina
The Wim Hof Method has immediate benefits and long-lasting benefits.
One of the immediate benefits is mental clarity.
I’m sure you’ve suffered from brain fog before.
You know the layers of psychological fog between you and what you need to do?
It’s super frustrating.
The Wim hof method provides a short-term energy boost and increases mental clarity.
It’s a sustainable way to push through those barriers at work, school, or at home. And the best thing about it is that it only takes a few minutes to execute.
There are also long-term benefits of regularly practicing the Wim Hof Method.
For larger projects, you need a push to get things rolling.
Practicing can boost your mental stamina and physical resilience.
Personally, I like to practice first thing in the morning. The breathing calms me and the cold shower puts my body into a state of alertness!
5. Quiets The Monkey Mind
Urgh, the monkey mind, that thing is the worst!
That voice in your head that won’t stop chattering.
You know the one I’m talking about.
The one that asks, “What’s for dinner tomorrow?” or “I wonder if Stacy’s wearing the blue dress or the white dress”.
Yup, that voice.
I used to think that there was no way around it.
How are you supposed to beat your brain at its own game?
By changing your physiology.
The Wim Hof Breathing Method oxygenates your body and puts it into a pseudo-hyperventilated state.
When you practice you may feel a little light-headed or different in your body.
It sounds dangerous, but studies have shown that this can actually be beneficial for putting your mind in a state of focus.
Don’t practice Wim Hof breathing underwater or while standing up as it may cause injury or even death.
The best combat for the monkey mind is changing both your physiology and mental state simultaneously.
It’s pretty hard to get distracted when you’re holding your breath as long as you can or when you dive into icy cold water.
Practicing this simple routine daily will bring you to new levels of focus and vastly decrease your levels of distraction.
Simple isn’t easy. It still takes consistent habits and processes to really push through this practice.

6. Initiates Peak Performance
It sucks when you get up on the wrong side of the bed, it can ruin your whole day.
You get up only to realize that you’re already late, time to rush for breakfast.
Oops, looks like you ate the last pop-tart yesterday. Now you have nothing to snack on.
Here you are rushing your way to work or class with nothing in your stomach and nothing in your head.
You’re in no condition for peak performance.
If you’ve been in this situation, I can truly relate.
The Wim Hof Method isn’t some kind of magic pill that will solve all of your problems but it’s somewhere to start.
Let me give you another scenario,
You’ve woken up early, an hour before you’ve had to get up in fact!
You make yourself a nice breakfast and even have some time to journal before work or class.
Pretty nice right?
Don’t stop there, make the most of this good day, and keep the snowball rolling.
As I said, the Wim Hof Method isn’t some magical pill that will turn you into some kind of work monster but it can calm you down.
Peak performance and pushing past your limits is about more than hard work.
It’s about seeing the value in what you’re doing and being peacefully competent in everything you do.

7. Promotes Deliberate Practice
We talked about how the Wim Hof Method can reduce stress in point 3 already but let’s talk about it more.
If you are looking to become a real productivity machine you need to do this one thing…
It’s the secret sauce I’m telling you.
What is deliberate practice?
According to author James Clear, deliberate practice is concentrated and valuable work that tangibly gets you closer to mastery or a specific goal.
In other words, deliberate practice is getting the hard and necessary things done.
For example, if you’re learning a new instrument it’s practicing those scales that you’ve been avoiding all month.
If you’re at work it’s getting the most important project out of the way first.
And if you’re a student it’s about crushing that huge term paper step-by-step or spending your first 90 minutes studying for that big exam.
If you want to know more about deliberate practice and how it can help you crush your studies or business click here!
Okay, back on track, what can the Wim Hof do about this issue?
The Wim Hof breathing technique will put you in a state of flow and concentration, it will get you to focus solely on one thing first through breath-holding and then through resisting the cold.
The saying, “Work hard, play hard” has never been more true than it is today.
The Wim Hof Method can be a potential solution to this issue because it lowers Cortisol levels and allows you to get better and deeper rest.

8. It’s a Great Keystone Habit
Every group of great habits and processes centers around a keystone habit.
Enter the habit chain.
The habit chain is a series of habits that link together to form a routine that helps you accomplish everything significant that you want to do in a day.
Say you want to read more or have more time to start your own business or even have more time with your loved ones.
You need a proper habit chain to get it done efficiently and consistently.
The way to start a habit change is by implementing activities that I call Keystone Habits.
A keystone habit is one task/activity/action that kicks off everything else.
The best keystone habits involve changing your physiology.
Something simple like stepping outside and getting some fresh air or something more involved like getting a full 90-minute workout in.
You’re probably somewhere between these two.
10-15 minutes is all it takes to complete the Wim Hof Method.
Try out Wim’s techniques today to build new habits for yourselves properly.
Comment down below if you think the habit chain will work for you!
Now that you know the 8 best reasons that the Wim hof method can get you revved up for productivity it’s time to get started!
Click this link to get started with the breathing method!
Thanks for Reading,
Chris Chan
Start Below.