20 Lessons I’ve Learned Turning 20 in 2020

Chris Chan, Digital Marketing Consultant
3 February 2021
Have you ever wondered what you’d know by the age of 20?
Turning the big 2-0 is a large benchmark for anyone. Maybe you’re older than 20, turning 20, or are younger and expecting wise remarks from someone who’s been around the block.
Here are the top 20 lessons I’ve learned turning 20 in 2020

1. Never Ever Stop Learning
Just because you graduate college or you’re in college doesn’t mean that you’re done learning.
Real learning is a lifelong process. It also happen to be extremely helpful for you.
The John Hopkins Medical Center recently reported that new learnings/staying in upper-division education later in life is correlated with a reduced risk of dementia.
Continuing to learn even when you get a “real job” or enter the “real world”, is central to life success.
Additionally, learning new traits and skills like a new language can open gateways to new life experiences.
Being a 20-year old in today’s learning climate is exceedingly exciting. I can learn a new skill, meet new people, and create new experiences and so can you!
2. Priority is a Singular Word
We often think about balancing our priorities.
The truth is that priority is a singular word, it’s not a multi-step balancing act.
Choose your priority wisely, if you pick the right one, everything else in your life will align.
Choose a wider priority: Relationships, Health, Faith, etc.
For me, this is my Faith and pursuing my path as a Christian Entrepreneur.
What’s your priority? Comment below.
3. Learn to Defend Yourself AND The People You Care About
As a martial arts practitioner self-defense is crucial to my way of life.
Anyone and everyone should learn how to properly defend themselves in modern-day situations.
That doesn’t mean that you have to be a BJJ blackbelt or a boxing world champion but it does mean that you should learn necessary self-defense precautions.
There is no easy fix, course, or technique for all self-defense situations.
You generally need to take care of your health and fitness and maintain high levels of awareness at all times.
It’s not easy, but I think it’s worth it. Don’t you?
Related: Not a Fan of Violence? 7 Self Defense Tips For You!
4. Schedule Whitespace
Too often we find ourselves filled with stress and overwhelm due to the thousands of little tasks that we have to do every day.
I’ve learned in my 20 years that it’s important to schedule time in your day to simply do nothing.
Relax, enjoy life, listen to music, play games.
Our modern lives are busier than ever and if you don’t schedule in time for rest, you may find yourself being continuously overwhelmed which may lead to:
- High blood pressure
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Sleeping disorders
- Other stress-related issues
Do yourself a favor and schedule whitespace in your life.
5. No One Has it Figured Out
No, not even that Instagram influencer.
The truth is that no one knows what they’re doing. No one can predict the future, no one knows the full truth of their situation and no one has complete control over anything.
And that’s okay.

6. Anchor Yourself
Find something to hold yourself down, keep yourself rooted in a certain activity, mindset, goal, or ambition.
As a Christian, I root myself on God’s word.
I block out daily time every morning to for this anchor immediately after I wake up.
In fact, I’ve made several vision boards with bible verses and other little reminders that will secure my path toward me anchor each and every day.
What’s your anchor?
7. Quit Mindless Social Media Comparison and Social Comparison
Like I said in point 5, no one has it figured out.
Don’t waste your time on social media comparing your life, achievements, and body to other people’s bodies.
Instead, use the time that you have wisely and focus on your own journey.
For me this has led to me quitting social media entirely.
Related: 9 Things I’ve Learned Quitting Social Media As A College Student
8. Find Your Team of 10
You don’t need 1,000 friends. In fact, if you have 100 meaningful friends and contacts your life is very plentiful.
What I’ve learned and am continuing to learn is that you need to find your team of 10.
Find your core group, your ride or die.
They don’t all have to be perfect, but they need to be people that you can see on your side in, 5, 10, or 20 years.
9. Resolve to Pursue Something Meaningful
Professor Jordan Peterson promptly put it in his book 12 Rules for Life: Pursue what is meaningful and not what is expedient. (This is an amazon affiliate link that supports Chris Dismissed!)
You don’t want to go after the momentary pleasures of drugs, alcohol, and sexual relationships with people you barely know.
Don’t’ do anything “just for the experience”, those experiences can quickly become crutches and lead to lifelong dependence.
Choose to go after something that means something to you!
10. Do One Act of Service Every Single Day
One of the most humbling experiences you can have is performing an act of service for someone.
This can be anything from a small compliment to opening the door for someone.
Taking small and meaningful acts of service spreads your joy to others and brings YOU more joy.
The more you you give, the more joy you get.

11. College is For Setting Systems
Take college time to set systems that work for you.
What kinds of systems?
- Note-taking and learning systems
- Relationship and communication systems
- Goal setting and planning
- Workout and diet tracking
- Personal hobbies
- Work and career systems
Then develop habits that serve those systems and processes.
A great book to read on building habits and systems is Atomic Habits by James Clear (Amazon Affiliate Link).
Check out my article in the link below for more on building atomic systems and processes.
Related: How to Build Atomic Habits As A College Student (11 Crucial Tips)
12. Talk to God
Your relationship with ultimate reality is so important, upgrade it now.
I don’t know who you are or what you believe in, but right now is the day to start thinking about forever.
You never know how much more time you’ll have left, and that’s in the most inspiring way possible!
I’m 20 and this is something that plagues my mind every day. Take action right now.
13. Done > Perfect
Every. Single. Time.
14. Show Your Work!
Start a blog, a podcast, a YouTube channel, a social media following. Show your work and stand by it. Let the world keep you accountable.
Show everything that you go through, teach what you know even when you don’t feel smart or adequate. You’ll benefit tremendously.
Check out the link below for more advice on how to show your work.
Related: How To Show Your Work According to Austin Kleon
15. Find a Routine That Works For YOU.
Keep trying different morning and evening routines, different workout routines, different work schedules, until you find one that resonates and truly matches you.
Don’t copy someone else’s routine or march to the beat of their life.
You’re you, and no one is quite like you.

16. Balance Your Ikigai
Ikigai is all about balancing what you enjoy, what your good at, what you can get paid for, and what the world needs.
Find your Ikigai by filling out this template.
I strongly recommend finding your Ikigai as soon as possible so you can learn where you should direct your attention, energy, and action.
20 year-old is the perfect age to optimize and realize your ikigai so you stay straight and narrow on what you know is your life purpose.
17. Find True Mentors
No, I’m not talking about internet gurus like Tai Lopez or Dan Lok, I’m talking about real-life people that will help you get to where you want to be.
For me, this has been Rich UX (Link to his Youtube channel). His community has been invaluable to me and to my studies in Digital Marketing.
Eventually I joined one of his courses and I’ve even had the opportunity to work under him for some of his clients as an intern!
Mentors don’t just have to be in the career arena. I also suggest grabbing yourself as relationship mentors and physical mentors!
Who is your dream mentor?
18. Not All Goals Need to be SMART
If you’re a productivity junkie or a high-achiever you know what SMART goals are
- Specific
- Actionable
- Attainable
- Relevant
- Time-Bound
But not all of your goals need to be smart.
In fact, your goals can be as logically elusive as…
- Gaining emotional agility and resilience
- Spending more time truly living in the moment
- Take a break in between hard projects
What goal are you pursuing this year? Check out the article below for more on setting your best goals.
Related: How to Set Goals You’ll Stick To (Step-by-Step Guide)
19. If It Scares You, You’re In The Right Place
Courage isn’t being fearless. Courage is fear walking
Do at least 1 thing every day that scares the living daylights out of you.
For me this has been cold showers, what is it for you? Comment below.
Related: 8 Ways The Wim Hof Method Boosts Productivity
20. Dream Bigger + Envision Larger
At the end of the day, I’m only 20, there is so so much more for me to learn, I’ve barely scratched the surface of what’s possible.
If you’re 20 or younger, or even if you’re older, I want to encourage you right now to dream bigger, envision larger, and chase after things that make your life meaningful to you.
Don’t settle for less, don’t let your inhibitions and life circumstances hold you back.
You may not be able to control everything in your life but you certainly can take life by the reins and make it your own.
What was your favorite point? Comment below or Contact me and let me know!
Thanks again for reading 🙂
Class Dismissed,
Chris Chan
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